Oh, The Places You'll Go

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

March 8, 2010

Final Exam- An Agenda for Action

Equity and Social justice have been the core values through my experience in the Credential program that I will continue to follow and believe in as I have my own classes. It will be the focus of the reason why I will teach.

1.) Some of the key components for my personal vision for Secondary Schooling in the 21st Century include the idea of powerful teaching. In order to be an effective teacher, I will take advantage of all the resources available to me and educate my students on how they could benefit from these as well. For example, technology is becoming such an important part of curriculum and using web 2.0 tools online can help students understand and research better. Also being able to create a classroom environment where students feel comfortable and part of the group will lower the affective filter, and engage everyone in a more cooperative learning setting. Everything I have mentioned before could only be possible with the practice of Respect for their peers and teachers, as I too will show them the respect they deserve.

2.) Besides being a "risk-taker", I will implement the idea of becoming a reflective practitioner. Not just for myself, but encourage my students to do the same. This will be a form of testing the waters because students are not used to critical thinking, or thinking beyond the assignment, which during my clinical practice, will be a challenge. I have ideas for implementing reflections in a journal as a homework assignment as an activity beyond what we did that day in class. They will have the opportunity to do this on their own time, when reflecting is best and write about what they thought of the activities and assignments we did in class, what the purpose was, if they achieved those goals, and what they liked or what they would improve.

3.)During my first two years I would also implement the art of questioning. Why we do the things we do? Does it work best like this? And, What can I do to change it and make it better? When applying this in the classroom, students can slowly use this to reflect and question the work that they created or work they have read about or seen. I think this allows for the students to be held accountable for their own thinking and development, when later they will be able to become their own advocates in the educational world. I think this is a great way to progress and move forward with changing times and hopefully, the students will also see the benefits.

4.) Later in my career, when already established in the educational community, I will hopefully inspire those still unsure of how to take on their own future. By becoming a powerful teacher, many minds can be reached. Students can find their way in their school community, and other teachers can learn to be more open to the changing of the time and how they should approach school and students. My fear is that creating a world where questions can impact the decision of a major community or group will turn away from the purpose of why we reflect and come up with the most ethical solution. The idea of an ITU and how beneficial it can be to a community of teachers willing to share an integrated unit, can help the learning environment of a school.

5.) Using all three plans for implementation will reform Secondary Education parallel as the changing times and expectations. It will allow for different curriculum that will apply more to the students and not so much teacher lectures. It will allow for individual accountability and assessment for the students as well as the teachers. It allows support from all angles including parents, community, teachers and administrators. The idea of powerful teaching will take a hold of those teachers who feel like there is no use trying to reach and enrich the students' lives. Schools will transform from the traditional education, to a new, more hands-on experience, which will create new professional roles for parents, teachers, and student voice.