Oh, The Places You'll Go

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

February 28, 2010

Reading Response 5- I'm Thinking...

I feel like I have had enough with the classroom management talk. I have been thinking that each class will be different, and I will need to have an approach when I get to know their personalities, and different learning needs and abilities. Classroom management could mean responding to many different aspects right? So then it is not easily something we can plan until it is ours-the classroom that is. But I feel that after reading Teaching in Secondary Schools by Baldwin, Keating, and Bachman, all of that can easily be organized with certain models that they discuss. Finally, clarity as to what we can do even before we have our own class.
They discuss the Power-Relationship Model, by Wolfgang (1995). I see these 'faces' or behavioral responses to the students being used, but are either ineffective or unpredictable. They sometimes work and other times, going even having to go through the continuum may not work. It also depends on the students individually. Whereas the Teacher Management Model by Froyen (1993) is able to address everyday and more difficult situations can be planned ahead by keeping clear and consistent expectations for every student (if followed correctly, of course). This is a way in which everyone in the class is held accountable and knows the expectations.
I think that I am well prepared for this now. At first, classroom management was my most difficult challenge to overcome, but with this, I now know that even with the uncertain and different responses from each student, I will still have something to fall back on if I clearly mark my expectations for every aspect including homework, adjusting activities, rules, and creating meaning curriculum.

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